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Liquid creatine products are supposed to be better for being absorbed into your body and better at not causing you to get bloated. Many people swear by them, but many people believe that creatine can not be stable in liquid form. This may have been true with earlier products but science has once again triumphed.  In fact, some manufacturers even boast a two year shelf-life and promise that it will not turn into useless creatnine.

Because liquid creatine bypasses the digestion phase, it is absorbed by the body more efficiently. You will not have to worry about your food intake and managing your diet to reap the benefits of creatine.

Powdered creatine takes 45 minutes to one hour to digest and is known to bind with food, hindering its absorption. This is why many athletes who are users of powdered creatine do not eat few hours before workout. Not consuming food before workout can cause many problems, including a lower energy level. With liquid creatine, worrying about food intake is a thing of the past.